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Commerce platform

Dotdigital Built


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About commercetools
commercetools is the world’s leading commerce platform built on modern MACH principles, allowing you to work with, not around, your commerce solution to tailor experiences to the exact needs of your business and its customers.
commercetools and Dotdigital

Who we are

At Dotdigital, we harness the power of customer data to drive engagement, conversion, and loyalty for brands as they grow and scale.

About the integration

The commercetools integration allows you to easily import your commerce data into your Dotdigital account. By syncing your product catalog, orders and customers, you can dive straight into the full range of omnichannel communication features and commerce intelligence tools offered by Dotdigital. The integration syncs new data every 15 minutes, so you can have confidence that you’re always up-to-date and focusing your marketing efforts in the best places to maximize returns.

How it works

Install the integration through our in-app Integration Hub following step-by-step guidance. Once active, the integration:
  • Imports your product catalog as AccountInsight.
  • Imports your customers as contacts, where an email address is available.
  • Imports your order data as ContactInsight.
Use Cases
Sort and target your customers
Take advantage of tools like Dotdigital’s RFM analysis and AI-powered Product recommendations to drive customer engagement through targeted, customized omnichannel communications.
Gain deeper insight into sales
Interactive ecommerce dashboards provide at-a-glance and drilldown reporting to enable you to understand and utilize your customer data more fully than ever before.

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